Today is another day in isolation and like everyone else worried about our loved ones and what’s happening all over the world! We have to face the fact that some things are just out of our control! I bet there is many who have faced a time in there lives already when things were out of their control and people’s actions affected them deeply! There is always going to be times beyond our control but it’s how we come out at the end that is important! How do we maintain our mental health? Now it is important as never before, we are not designed for isolation! I have found in my life that when I’m at my lowest it’s those who love me unconditionally and my love of all things creative that get me through the hard times!I think it’s so important now to keep busy, occupied and moving forward! To this end I’ve started a step by step painting in watercolour series for my students and for anyone who is interested! This is an invitation to join our Wednesday painting group! Photo’s and instructions I will send out once a week ( you can do them anytime). The painting here is this weeks, so if you would like to paint it, contact me for the step by step instruction! Stay safe, look out for one another and happy painting!

Just starting this now Patti! Jan